WashU Mindfulness Resources
Practice Mindfulness
There are numerous opportunities to learn and practice mindfulness at WashU.
Move Into Mindfulness with Meg Krejci, WashU Mindfulness and MBSR Consultant
Provided through the Human Resources wellness program, Meg offers a regular schedule of classes open to faculty and staff. She also provides programs for departments or groups at WashU on request.
Student Health Center – Danforth Campus
Health Promotion Specialist Jodi Seals, EdD is a certified instructor for the Mindfulness Institute for Emerging Adults program (MIEA). She offers multiple sessions throughout the year for groups and departments at WashU on request. For more information, follow Student Health on Instagram.
BearFit Yoga
WashU’s own BearFit program has a robust offering of yoga classes from restorative to power and many in between at the Summers Recreation Center. Membership is required, and is open to WashU students, faculty, staff, retirees, alumni, as well as their college dependents and/or spouses or partners.
Community Mindfulness Sessions - Spring Semester 2025
We invite you to join certified mindfulness teachers from the Wash U Mindfulness Science & Practice group each month on the Fridays listed below for community sessions that include guided mindfulness meditation practice and discussion on practice-related themes. Brief micro practices (“many moments, short times”) will be offered that you can use throughout the day in a moment of challenge or stress throughout the semester.
This opportunity is open to all faculty, staff, students, leaders, and community members interested in developing or sustaining your mindfulness meditation practice – including the curious, past participants, and seasoned practitioners. All are welcome!
February 14, Friday, 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. In person, Somers 249, open to all
No experience required. Okay to come late, leave early.
Katie Bucklen, M.D., FAAP MIEA instructor
March 21, Friday, 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. In person, Somers 249, open to all
No experience required. Okay to come late, leave early.
Shirley Ashauer, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Teacher via Brown University
April 18, Friday, 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. In person, Somers 249, open to all
No experience required. Okay to come late, leave early.
Lilli Cloud, Unified Mindfulness teacher
Strategic communications advisor to Mindfulness Science and Practice
May 9, Friday, 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. In person, Somers 249, open to all
No experience required. Okay to come late, leave early.
Diana Parra, PT, MPH, Ph.D. Engaged Mindfulness Institute (EMI) Teacher
Co-lead, Mindfulness Science & Practice
Retreat-Style Practice
May 16, Friday, 9:30 - 12:30 p.m., location TBD
With the following teachers:
Diana Parra, PT, MPH, Ph.D.
Engaged Mindfulness Institute (EMI) Teacher
Co-Lead, Mindfulness Science & Practice
Lilli Cloud
Unified Mindfulness Teacher
Katie Bucklen
MIEA Teacher
Shirley Ashauer
MBSR Teacher
Ongoing Drop-Ins:
- Mondays, 1-1:30 p.m. from Move Into Mindfulness via Zoom
- Mondays, 12-12:30 p.m. Danforth Mindfulness Group. Register at Move Into Mindfulness